Saturday, June 27, 2009

For Better or Worse

I have experienced many firsts over the last two weeks and this seems the perfect platform to share.
  • June 15 - First time I used the gym in about a year. Don't judge.
  • June 15 - Also the first time I took a shower at work. Awkward!
  • June 17 - First day I wore jeans to work.
  • June 21 - First anniversary. Yummy Bonefish for dinner!
  • June 24 - First custom computer built for me.
Perhaps the best (or worst) first for me was that I discovered the first reason why marriage kinda sucks.

Here is a picture of my hand. Notice that weird black thing on my finger? Disgusting, isn't it? Well it feels gross, too. Still wondering what it is? It is a blood blister!! You may not be able to tell, but there are actually two of them.

Your next question is probably, how did you get them? And the answer resides in the best (or worst) first reason why marriage kinda sucks.

Today, my company held its annual summer picnic. We had a fun time playing mini-golf, hitting balls on the driving range, and pigging out. As we were leaving, I suggested we try the batting cages. After all, it's free!

We go to the wimpy one with the 18mph softball. It was broken, so we had to do the 45mph baseball. No biggie, right? Wrong. I wasn't paying attention to the sign and it turns out that the cage was calibrated for little league players. So even though I am short, every pitch was way to low. And after 10 pitches and 9 misses (I managed to hit one with the side of my hand and ripped my thumb nail), I ended up with two blood blisters from my wedding ring. I wonder if I can claim worker's comp...


  1. Nikol- you friggin' crack me up girl. Hysterical.

    Tell your hubs that if he loved you he would injur himself so you could have matching Ring Finger Blood Blisters...he's gotta take one for the team.

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