Saturday, August 22, 2009
Life. Don't talk to me about life.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
First, I am officially down to two weeks of undergrad classes. This trek to get a piece of paper has taken 15 years, involved 5 schools, and covered 4 states. I apologize for the lack of posts, but I'm exhausted.
Now to the interesting part of my week. So, I'm hanging out in my office (cube) and I get an e-mail that a visitor from our sister company will be hanging out in the *real* office near my cube. I'm still new and I want to build some credibility so I introduce myself to this Senior HR person. We start talking about where he's from (Nashville) and where he grew up (Memphis) and it turns out that we went to the same freaking elementary school together. Cue Twilight Zone music. He was three years ahead of me so I didn't know him, but you better believe I pulled out my yearbooks to check it out!
Later that same day, I am checking Facebook (I am an addict) and I have a friend request...from my friend from elementary school! Not exactly sure how she found me, but WOW! Two people in one day...bizzare for sure.
To further emphasize how long it's been since I was at Ross Elementary, or any other school in Memphis, I received an invitation for my 15 year high school reunion.
This got me thinking about school and what I learned or didn't learn. As I was digging up my yearbooks, I decided I would document some memorable moments in my young educational career. My highlights are based on which yearbooks I still have, so please don't think that this is all I learned...

First grade: I don't remember anything. I just think it is funny that in my yearbook I wrote my own name above my picture. I also think it's funny that my hair has wings. (hehee wings - have a happy period.)

Sixth grade: This may be the first year that I was truly called a tomboy. In fact, I am pretty sure that this picture was taken after a rousing game of kickball on the field behind the school.
The only thing that I remember about sixth grade is that girls never got picked first in gym class and Steal the Bacon is the best game in the world.

Ninth grade: I have no excuse for that shirt. All I can imagine is that my tomboy tendencies never ceased. At least I brushed my hair.
This was my first year in a school where I didn't know anyone. Totally awesome.

Tenth grade: No comment about the outfit or the haircut.
Lots of firsts this year. First job. First D in a class (I still hate history). First time I well-you-know. (Sorry you had to find out like this, Dad, but surely you knew.)

Eleventh grade: Boo for SATs! Boo for college applications! Boo for no driver's license! Hooray for $4.25 an hour!

Senior year: My last year of high school is a blur. I mostly remember working in the mall, hanging out with J** and M**, and planning what my life would be like when I grew up.
I'm glad my plans failed.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
For Better or Worse
- June 15 - First time I used the gym in about a year. Don't judge.
- June 15 - Also the first time I took a shower at work. Awkward!
- June 17 - First day I wore jeans to work.
- June 21 - First anniversary. Yummy Bonefish for dinner!
- June 24 - First custom computer built for me.
Here is a picture of my hand. Notice that weird black thing on my finger? Disgusting, isn't it? Well it feels gross, too. Still wondering what it is? It is a blood blister!! You may not be able to tell, but there are actually two of them.
Your next question is probably, how did you get them? And the answer resides in the best (or worst) first reason why marriage kinda sucks.
Today, my company held its annual summer picnic. We had a fun time playing mini-golf, hitting balls on the driving range, and pigging out. As we were leaving, I suggested we try the batting cages. After all, it's free!
We go to the wimpy one with the 18mph softball. It was broken, so we had to do the 45mph baseball. No biggie, right? Wrong. I wasn't paying attention to the sign and it turns out that the cage was calibrated for little league players. So even though I am short, every pitch was way to low. And after 10 pitches and 9 misses (I managed to hit one with the side of my hand and ripped my thumb nail), I ended up with two blood blisters from my wedding ring. I wonder if I can claim worker's comp...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My face hurts

Saturday, May 30, 2009
A new leaf
And to keep you entertained, please take a peek at the following video.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Stay classy Provident Bank

Sunday, May 17, 2009
It's not you, it's me

Considering the above, I forced myself to be thankful (which I was) and to be confident (which I wasn't). For those of you who really know me, you know that I don't like to disappoint people; even people I don't know. So I tried to think of something that would be gentle enough to say thanks, but no thanks. In other words, I needed to say, "It's not you, it's me" (but we both know it's you).
I prepared and dialed. After six rings, her voicemail picked up. My speech was smooth, confident, and genuine. Two hours later, she called me back. I stumbled over my words when I gave the reason that I wouldn't be taking the job. I settled on, "The other opportunity at the other organization is better aligned with my personal objectives."
Suddenly, a genius idea popped into my head. I quickly described my colleagues and their pursuit of the perfect job. Even though we couldn't see each other, I was sure there was saliva dripping from lips. She immediately wanted their names, but I refused. Instead my colleagues have her name and three have reached out to her.
In the end, all was well. She left the door open for me and I opened it for my colleagues. I hope everyone is able to find what they're looking for, because the truth is that a career should be relationship where you can state the true reasons for a break-up.